Problem 1: making fields required. This is a simple problem at the top of a more complex issue. In standard HTML there is no such thing as a ‘flag’ value which can be added to fields in a form indicating
Batchbook & web forms
In the past few weeks, as part of a project with a new startup company, we entered a trial to use batchbook, ‘your social crm’. Based on my previous post about CRMs, this was a no brainer to pick. The
Data cleanup trickery
Today I came across another one of those little gems that sometimes come out of the incredible code foundry which is Google. The project is called Google Refine . Admittedly this post looks rather boring and dull, but there is plenty to get excited about! So read on…
Games in 48 hours
Last year I came across the 24-hours film making challenge and was quite excited about this idea which is pushing to the edge the creative passion of young cinema students. Yesterday I came across this challenge. Sid Meier was involved
Steve Jobs against the world?
As many others I came across mr. Jobs’ Thoughts on Flash, a 1700 word open letter to the community this month and, as many others can’t ignore the message. I am a ‘late user’ of Apple products, and unlike many