The New York Times has an article covering the implications of the impending agency pricing model for book sales. It mentions the one-star ratings that have shown up when e-book editions have been delayed or perceived as too expensive, and warns that publishers may be in for more than they bargain for with the increase […]
Susan Piver: Publishing industry repeating mistakes of music industry
Found via TechDirt: Ex-music-industry-exec Susan Piver, who I covered a few days ago for her comparison of Macmillan’s pricing change to the way the music industry went down the tubes around the turn of the century, has made another post comparing the two industries.
This is actually an article she wrote after being badly […]
More Amazon/Macmillan feud fallout, conversations, and conspiracy theories
TechCrunch’s M.G. Siegler reports that another “winner” in the Amazon vs. Macmillan feud is Barnes & Noble, who is getting a lot of new purchase traffic for books Amazon is currently unwilling to carry.
I would add, from the time I have spent reading various discussion forums about it, that a good many of the […]
Amazon capitulates in Macmillan e-book disagreement: Higher e-book prices ahead?
It appears the feud is over, with the publisher winning this time. Turns out Amazon’s pulling Macmillan titles was just a token gesture.
Amazon has posted the following announcement to its Kindle Community forum:
Dear Customers:
Macmillan, one of the "big six" publishers, has clearly communicated to us that, regardless of our viewpoint, they are committed to […]
Legal analysis of the Amazon/Macmillan brouhaha
Editor’s Note: this is reprinted, with permission, from Scriviner’s Error blog of C. E. Petit. As a lawyer I’ll just say that I agree with this conclusions. Numbers in brackets refer to footnotes at the end of the article. PB
Depending on how one counts, this is either the second or third major AmazonFail […]